Make a difference
Your donation makes a very real difference in our ministry. With a donation of any size, you can be a part of the exciting things our bible ministry is doing here in Chicago. Here are some examples of donations and what they do.
Donate by mail:
Chicago Bible Society | 8765 W Higgins Rd, Ste 404 | Chicago IL 60631
$5,000 Donation
A $5,000 donation sponsors a Project Philip group at the county jails for six months.
$1,500 Donation
A $1,500 donation provides groceries and utilities for a family of five for two months in the Family Connection and Care program.
$500 Donation
A $500 donation provides 30 days of Bibles for the county jails.
$100 Donation
A $100 donation provides Bibles for a Project Philip group of fifteen inmates.